In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists at NGR Genetics Laboratory have successfully used CRISPR gene editing technology to create the world's first unicorn. The research team, led by Dr. Edward Price, used the powerful CRISPR-Cas9 system to precisely edit the DNA of a horse embryo, resulting in the birth of a foal with a single horn protruding from its forehead. The scientists achieved this by isolating the specific genes that determine the shape and size of a horse's skull and then editing those genes to create a horn-like protuberance. The unicorn foal, which has been named "Miracle," has been drawing attention from all over the world, with many marveling at its unique and striking appearance. "We never thought it was possible," Dr. Price said in an interview. "But CRISPR technology has advanced so much in recent years that it has made this kind of precise gene editing a reality." The creation of Miracle has sparked a heated debate among sci...
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